Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Week 4 Project 4 Deliverable


  1. Make sure not to leave out colors and hues; looks like your missing the yellow in the first, the bright green in the second, and all of the green in the third. Otherwise, nice job.

  2. A few of the mood boards don't look unique enough and bear too much resemblance to one another. I think that could be fixed with different images and more swatches. Otherwise, good job.

  3. A lot of the pictures in the mood boards look very similar to each other. It would be nice to see the range of the concept you are showing off.

  4. They look somewhat similar to each other, but I do like how they present a consistent atmosphere.

  5. Your images really fit that creepy, eerie theme you're going for. All of the images kind of feel like the same scene though.

  6. Your moodboards sell the creepy/haunted environment you were going for really well. The colors pictures and character design really give that creepy vibe. More colors for each board would have probably made it even better.
