Monday, February 24, 2014

Project 4 Participation

John - I really like the images, maybe fix the text and color choices a bit?
Brian - I love the colors and images you used. Why not use the space better it's a little cramped at the top. 
Daniyal - Wow very unique I like it a lot. Maybe change up the graphics a bit? 
Evan- The designs good, but maybe change the images to have the same scheme.
Matthew - I like it, but you should not leave so much empty white space.
Ralph - You might want to change the gradient.
Joseph - I really like it. You may just want to add a little color and change the header.

Alex - I like the cleanness of this. Maybe just fill up more of the white space though?
Austin - Too much black and white. Not enough color.
Olivia - n/a
Chris - n/a 

I feel like mine has a very clean and nice design, but that doesn't mean that there is no room for improvement. I could change up the colors a bit to make it more consistent. I could also change the photo I used to a non black and white photo to make it stand out. I could also change the photo to capture more of the game. Lastly I could use more information in the text. 

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