Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Project 6 Participation

John - I really like it but you might want to change up the background a bit.
Austin - I really like it, but maybe change the text placement.
Brian - I would suggest a different background but other than that it looks good.
Daniyal - I really love this but I feel like that background letters overshadow the word Stargate
Evan - I like the design but change up the colors a bit?
Matt - I like it, but add more stuff to the logo?
Ralph - Looks a little blank maybe add more?
Joe - You may want to add more to the logo/
Alex - This is great, I don't believe you need to add anything more to it.
Chris - The design is pretty good, just might be missing something.

            After seeing the comments my peers left me I feel I could change a few things with my logo. For one I could change the red color to something that stands out and grabs the player's attention. The second thing I could do is fix the contrast with the rest of the colors. Other then that I feel that logo is pretty good and doesn't need to be changed much. The logo provides what the game is all about. 

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