Monday, April 14, 2014

Lesson 10 Deliverable


  1. I cant really see the overall texture, but from afar it doesn't look stretched or squashed.The brick pattern looks realistic but I think the lighting can be improved a lot. In some of the pictures you have very hard lightning in which I can see circles overlapping each other.

  2. The pictures are a little too distant to see the texture but i think the lighting is amazing. it gives a creepy feel to your maze

  3. The camera is too zoomed out. I also think the lighting isn't giving a dramatic enough effect. I would suggest lower the lights on the z axis and placing them closer to the maze.

  4. The textures look a little distorted, but that is probably just from the render quality. This makes the textures a little unrealistic, but, as stated, probably not your fault. The overall lighting is good, some area's are a little dim but the lighting is difficult so you did a good job of it. The bump map fits overall and the rendering does suggest a larger maze.
