Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Lesson 28 Human Face

Project 12 Participation

There is much I can approve on with my storyboard. First I need to rotate the storyboard because it's hard to read online. The second thing I need to fix is the drawings in general. They don't look that clear and can be fixed up. Lastly I need to fix what is going on in the storyboard. The storyboard doesn't really show what the game is going to be about all to well.

Project 12 Concept Development

Project 12 Research

Project 11 Deliverable

My game is about a man who has abilities. These abilities include flying, controlling storms and is super strong. The idea of the game is that the main character will have to stop his main enemy. This game is basically the same as playing a comic book, as his villain will have powers that are opposite his own.

Abilities: Flying, Controlling storms, and super strength.
Weaknesses: Fire, Fatigue after using his super strength and Lightning